Update: The Sea Lice Conference Programme

Sea Lice Conference: All presentations have now been organized in a tightly set program for the Sea Lice Conference. Participants at the conference will listen to and engage with the world’s leading sea lice researchers and experts.

Clearly, many very good abstracts were submitted for the conference. And after nearly four years since the last Sea Lice Conference, we made efforts to fit in as many as possible. Participants will be somewhat tested, but we believe this will be balanced with all the highly qualified and exciting content.

In addition to the presentations, we have built in time and opportunities for discussions and reflections. Also, the entire conference environment and set-up is designed to inspire and engage all conference participants.

Remember, if you want to be part of the world’s largest and most professionally qualified Sea Lice forum, the 13th Sea Lice International Conference is the place to be.

Registrations are still open on the Sea Lice website.